Natural Weight Management
Herbalife Nutrition
In September 2009, I received a photo of myself at my son's Christening and was taken aback by a sad expression and unhealthy body shape. Having seldom looked in the mirror and avoided photos, I had been concealing the reality of my poor well-being.
I began my transformation by switching to a more balanced and nutritious Herbalife nutrition breakfast. Almost immediately, others noticed my smile returning. After a few weeks, my energy levels skyrocketed, and my body toned as I dropped from a 16 to a 10 in dress size, as shown in the picture. Feeling amazing, I found myself more socially engaged, with friends reaching out to discuss my remarkable wellness journey.
I eagerly shared my results with family and friends, who then sought guidance on nutrition.
In January 2010, I began working with clients, creating unbelievable results for weight loss, muscle gain, healthy heart, healthy joints, anti-ageing and keeping their results long-term.
I have a team worldwide that help online and offline clients achieve great results.
Book your nutrition evaluation today:
-Online nutrition coaching (€100 per session to include a start-up nutrition programme).
-Offline body fat and metabolism testing sessions (€20 per 10-minute session). Free when using one of our Herbalife nutrition programmes.
- A 10-week Eating for Wellness course (Available soon).
- A 21-day weight loss challenge on Facebook - You vs You. (€21)
Additionally, we provide full support online through our customer WhatsApp group, Facebook page, Discount Herbalife member activation, Group nutrition Zoom sessions, Rachel Allen cook-along, and online and offline skin parties.
Join in the fun today—it could be the best decision you ever make! 😊