The Full Story
Shamanism is the oldest spiritual and healing practice on the planet dating back 50,000 years. This tradition has grown out of humanity’s experience of evolving out of the earth and our intimate connections to our mother. When we journey into the inner realms through the doors of perception using our mind's eye to explore the wondrous world of imagination, we can tap into the greater store of wisdom that our ancestors have accumulated throughout the millennia. This ancient wisdom can help us heal ourselves each other, and the earth.
How can you heal?
The way of the Shaman is the way of the “wounded healer”, to be human is to be wounded. Shamanic experiences are part of everyday life, the cycles of birth, death and re-birth are an intrinsic part of our reality. This pattern is repeated throughout our lives as we are continually being born into new experiences and dying to old habits, behaviour patterns and belief systems.The shaman uses ecstatic techniques to enter the shamanic state of consciousness (SSC) travel out of the body, make contact with spirit guides and power animals and therefore effect changes in ordinary reality, working closely with nature and the elemental forces. Shamanic practice and techniques help us reconnect to ourselves, each other, the Earth and to the great mystery that we are all a part of. Shamans and mystics journey to the inner world to confront the shadow side, contact teachers and guides and mediate healing and visionary teachings for the community. In order to raise our consciousness we all must do our inner work, confront our shadow side, withdraw our negative projections and make contact with our true glorious divine nature. The Centre is based at the foot of Montpellier Mountain in Dublin; the home of Ireland's largest unofficial spiritual site.
This is a guided journey using the Shamanic Drum.